As a pharmacist and PhD, Dr. Lobb has held a variety of positions within the health care industry including pharmaceutical consulting, marketing research as well as both hospital and community pharmacy practice. Since 2001 and the founding of MME, Bill has conducted analytics and developed pricing strategies for biopharmaceuticals at both the US level and the multinational level. His interest in health care decision making has driven the development and growth of MME’s market and pricing research arm. In an effort to mirror real world decisions, this research and consulting work has focused on inputs and the effects of those on physician (and other health care provider), payer, and consumer decision making, including interactive models of “hybrid” behavior based upon varied market responses. Prior to joining MME, he served as Vice President of Operations for a medical device firm. Bill has over 25 peer-reviewed articles and presentations. He graduated from the University of Texas College of Pharmacy and holds a PhD in Pharmaceutical Marketing from the University of Mississippi.
He currently holds an adjunct appointment in the Department of Pharmacy Administration as an assistant professor.